Thursday, 25 July 2024

Shiv Sutras - day 1 notes

Summary of Day 1 : 

1. Mind has to revert within to find the self (happiness and beauty - true wealth) : 
• Bliss is that which comes from within for no reason. 
• ⁠Hold on to the one positive in an ocean of negatives(like a rope in a well)
• ⁠The one who is searching for the self, is the self. 
• ⁠ You are not the thoughts/feelings. “ I am consciousness” - feel the liveliness which is the basis of existence. Being aware of consciousness is realising the self. 

2. Knowledge is bonding(limiting) : 
• The mind gains knowledge when awake(and little in dreams) In sleep, the mind rests in the self, but gains no knowledge. 
• ⁠ The more you try to know, the more you cannot know. 
• ⁠ Those who say they know, don’t know. And those who say they don’t know, they know.
• ⁠” I don’t know” is liberating.

Saturday, 15 June 2024

satsang for bad company

Question - Gurudev, Even after doing the @ArtofLiving course why do some people live in such hatred and ego? How to teach them the language of love?

#Gurudev @SriSri Ravi Shankar ji - Bring them to the satsang again and again. Sometimes, even after having good intentions in the mind, a person falls because of his company.
This is called sanghdosh.
People are good and wish to walk on the right path. Due to bad company, they are not able to implement their good thoughts. Thus, the satsang is vital and effective. Inspire others and bring them to the satsang. Just like people push others to do wrong acts, we sometimes need to push people to do good.
There are multifold benefits to one attending a Satsang (Company of Truth)
When we sing together in Satsang endorphins are released in the body. Endorphins make you happy and healthy.
Meditate, do satsang, read knowledge Sheets. By doing that, you are helping others who have a hard time. Satsang is not just singing, it is acknowledging and sharing the truth of life.
Take responsibility to uplift people around you. That is real Satsang! A wise person is like the sky where all birds can fly!
85% of your worries never even happen and out of the remaining 15%, you have the ability to manage 90% of the issues. So in total, less than 3% of your worries may actually happen. Those problems give us strength and depth to Life.
Luckily for those who are in Satsang (the company of Truth) and do Meditation even those events will never happen.
In satsang, both the left and right hemispheres of the brain get balanced. The wandering mind comes back to the present moment and experiences a deeper dimension to life.
Satsang is your shelter from the harsh and changing influences on your life. Satsang is the nest in which you can rest.